How to Play Bananagrams? | Step-by-step Instructions

Welcome to our guide on how to play Bananagrams! If you’re looking for a fun and engaging word game to enjoy with friends and family, Bananagrams is the perfect choice. In this article, we’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to play Bananagrams and a few tips to improve your gameplay.

Before we dive into the rules and strategies of Bananagrams, let’s briefly introduce the game. Bananagrams is a popular word game that challenges players to use their word skills and creativity to create intersecting words in a crossword-style grid. It’s suitable for 2-8 players aged 7 and above, making it a versatile game for both children and adults.

Now, let’s get started with the basics of Bananagrams. In the next section, we’ll discuss how to set up the game and prepare for an exciting word-building challenge.

Setting Up Bananagrams

Before you can start enjoying the excitement of Bananagrams, you’ll need to set up the game. Follow these simple steps to get ready:

  1. Place all 144 tiles facedown in the center of the table to create the “Bunch.” This will serve as the pool of letters that players will draw from throughout the game.
  2. Each player takes their starting tiles from the Bunch. The number of tiles each player takes depends on the number of players in the game:
Number of Players Starting Tiles
2-4 players 21 tiles each
5-6 players 15 tiles each
7-8 players 11 tiles each

Once each player has their starting tiles, you’re ready to begin the fast-paced and word-filled adventure of Bananagrams!

Setting Up Bananagrams

With the game set up, the Bananagrams Bunch ready, and tiles in hand, it’s time to let the word-building fun begin. Continue reading to learn how to play Bananagrams and become the ultimate wordsmith!

How to Play Bananagrams?

The objective of Bananagrams is to be the first player to use all their letters. To start the game, any player calls out “SPLIT!” and everyone turns their tiles faceup. Players then race to arrange their tiles in their own word grid, with words reading horizontally or vertically. Players can rearrange their grid at any time and as often as they like. When a player places their last faceup letter in their grid, they call out “PEEL!” and all players, including the one who called out “PEEL,” take another tile from the Bunch. Players can also call out “DUMP!” to exchange one of their letters for three new ones from the Bunch. The game continues until the Bunch has fewer tiles than the number of players, and the first person to use all their letters and call out “BANANAS!” wins the hand.

In a nutshell:

  1. Start the game by calling out “SPLIT!” and turning all tiles faceup.
  2. Race to arrange tiles in your own word grid, creating words horizontally or vertically.
  3. Rearrange your grid as often as you like.
  4. Call out “PEEL!” when you place your last faceup letter and take a new tile from the Bunch.
  5. Use the “DUMP!” option to exchange a letter for three new ones.
  6. The game continues until the Bunch has fewer tiles than the number of players.
  7. The first person to use all their letters and call out “BANANAS!” wins the hand.
Action Outcome
Call out “SPLIT!” All tiles turned faceup
Race to arrange tiles Create intersecting words in your own grid
Call out “PEEL!” All players take another tile from the Bunch
Call out “DUMP!” Exchange one letter for three new ones
Continue playing Until the Bunch has fewer tiles than the number of players
First to use all letters and call out “BANANAS!” Wins the hand


Mastering Bananagrams requires strategy, quick thinking, and word-building skills. As you rearrange your tiles and create words, consider the following tips:

1. Plan ahead: Think about potential word combinations and leave room to expand your grid.

2. Utilize prefixes and suffixes: Look for opportunities to add common prefixes and suffixes to existing words.

3. Stay flexible: Be open to rearranging your grid and adapting your strategy as new letters become available.

4. Keep an eye on your opponents: Pay attention to their progress and steal opportunities to connect their words to your own.

5. Use the “DUMP!” option strategically: Exchange a difficult letter for three new ones that might be more useful.

By following these tips and practicing regularly, you’ll improve your Bananagrams skills and increase your chances of becoming the Top Banana!

Winning and Other Ways to Play Bananagrams

When playing Bananagrams, the ultimate goal is to be the first player to use all your letters and call out “BANANAS!” However, there are a few things to keep in mind to secure your victory.

Tips for Winning at Bananagrams:

  • Create Short Words: Focus on creating shorter words at the beginning of the game to quickly use up your letters and put yourself ahead.
  • Stay Flexible: Be open to rearranging your grid as you go along, adapting to new letters and opportunities that arise.
  • Use common letter combinations: Make the most of word-building opportunities by utilizing common letter combinations, such as “ing,” “ed,” and “er.”
  • Keep an Eye on Other Players: Pay attention to what your opponents are doing. If they are close to finishing, it might be time to call out “ROTTEN BANANA!” to disqualify them if their winning grid contains unacceptable words.

In addition to the traditional way of playing Bananagrams, there are several other exciting ways to enjoy this word game. Here are a few:

  1. Multiple Hands: Instead of playing a single hand, you can play multiple hands to determine the overall winner. This adds an element of strategy and allows players to recover from a less successful hand.
  2. Banana Smoothie: This version provides a more relaxed experience by allowing players to assist each other in completing their word grids. It’s an excellent option for beginners or players who prefer a cooperative game.
  3. Cooperative Bananagrams: In this variation, players work together to create a single shared word grid. The goal is to use all the letters collectively. It’s a great way to foster teamwork and collaboration.
  4. Bananagrams Solitaire: If you prefer solo gameplay, Bananagrams can also be enjoyed as a solitaire game. Challenge yourself to use all the letters to complete a word grid on your own.

Exploring different ways to play Bananagrams can add variety and excitement to your gaming sessions. Don’t be afraid to try out these alternative options to keep things fresh and entertaining!

Tips for Beginners:

If you’re new to Bananagrams, here are a few beginner tips to get you started:

  • Start Small: Begin by creating shorter words to get the hang of the game and build your confidence.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: The more you play, the better you’ll become at spotting word-building opportunities and quickly using up your letters.
  • Study Word Lists: Familiarize yourself with commonly used words and word patterns to improve your word-building skills.

Bananagrams Winning Strategies

Strategy Description
Create Short Words Focus on using up your letters quickly by building shorter words at the start.
Stay Flexible Be open to rearranging your grid and adapting to the letters you receive.
Utilize Common Combinations Make use of common letter combinations to maximize word-building opportunities.
Monitor Other Players Keep an eye on opponents and call out “ROTTEN BANANA!” if their winning grid contains unacceptable words.

Bananagrams Special Editions

In addition to the original Bananagrams game, there are several special editions available that offer variations and additional components to enhance the Bananagrams experience. These special editions add a splash of excitement and fun to the game, catering to different preferences and player numbers.

Bananagrams Duel

The Bananagrams Duel special edition is designed specifically for two players. Instead of individual tiles, this edition features 24 letter cubes. The cubes add an extra layer of strategy as players compete to create intersecting words in their own crossword-style grid. With its compact size and unique gameplay, Bananagrams Duel offers a thrilling head-to-head challenge.

Bananagrams Party

If you’re looking to add a dose of silliness and enjoyment to your game night, Bananagrams Party is the perfect special edition. This edition includes 14 additional party tiles, each featuring a unique action or rule that spices up the gameplay. From swapping tiles with other players to performing funny challenges, Bananagrams Party ensures endless laughter and unforgettable moments.

These special editions are a fantastic way to shake up your Bananagrams sessions and keep the excitement flowing. Whether you prefer a competitive duel or a lighthearted party atmosphere, there’s a special edition that’s right for you.

Special Edition Description
Bananagrams Duel Designed for two players. Uses 24 letter cubes instead of individual tiles.
Bananagrams Party Includes 14 additional party tiles for added fun and excitement.

Get ready to experience Bananagrams in a whole new way with these special editions. Whether you’re seeking a strategic duel or a laughter-filled party, these variations will take your Bananagrams game to the next level of enjoyment.

Bananagrams Special Editions

Where to Buy Bananagrams?

If you’re looking to buy Bananagrams, you have several options both online and offline. Whether you prefer the convenience of online shopping or the experience of browsing in a physical store, you’ll find Bananagrams available at various retailers. Here are some places where you can buy Bananagrams:

1. Online Game Stores

One of the easiest ways to purchase Bananagrams is through online game stores. These stores specialize in selling a wide range of games and have convenient websites that allow you to browse and purchase Bananagrams from the comfort of your own home. Some popular online game stores where you can find Bananagrams include:

  • Game Giant – A leading online game store offering a comprehensive selection of games, including Bananagrams.
  • Playtime Games – An online retailer that focuses on family-friendly games, including Bananagrams.
  • Fun Board Games – A website dedicated to board games of all kinds, where you can find Bananagrams.

2. Major Retailers

In addition to online game stores, major retailers also carry Bananagrams. These retailers have physical stores as well as online platforms, giving you the option to choose how you want to shop. Some well-known major retailers that sell Bananagrams include:

  • Toy Haven – A popular toy store chain that often carries Bananagrams in their board game section.
  • Wondershop – A department store that offers a wide selection of toys and games, including Bananagrams.
  • Game World – A specialty game retailer with both physical stores and an online presence, where you can find Bananagrams.

3. Local Game Stores

If you prefer to support local businesses, you can also check out your nearest game store to see if they carry Bananagrams. Local game stores often have a curated selection of board games and offer a unique shopping experience. To find the closest game store that sells Bananagrams, you can use online tools or visit the official Bananagrams website to access their store locator.

With so many options available, it’s easy to find a place to buy Bananagrams and start enjoying this exciting word game. Whether you choose to shop online or visit a store in person, you’ll be able to get your hands on Bananagrams and start challenging your friends and family to word-building fun!


Bananagrams is a delightful word game that offers both entertainment and educational benefits. Its straightforward rules and fast-paced gameplay make it a perfect choice for family game nights or social gatherings. Whether you opt for the classic version or explore the special editions, Bananagrams provides endless fun while improving spelling and word skills.

Playing Bananagrams offers a unique opportunity for players of all ages to hone their linguistic abilities. As you race against the clock to create intersecting word grids, you’ll find yourself sharpening your vocabulary, improving your critical thinking, and boosting your creativity.

So why wait? Gather your loved ones, grab your Bananagrams set, and embark on an exciting word-building adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned wordsmith or just getting started, Bananagrams’ immersive gameplay ensures a laughter-filled experience as you strive to be the top banana. Challenge yourself, create words, and revel in the joy that Bananagrams brings.

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